Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Look Who Was the Lead on Last Night's NEWS!!!

The local FOX affliate from LaCrosse/Eau Claire came by to do a story about our program. It was the LEAD STORY on Monday night's newscast! Outstanding job to Ozzie, Mari, and Br. Ed! Whoop Whoop! You represented us very well!

Check it out! http://www.fox2548.com/

1 comment:

  1. Hello all,

    I am a Leadership Gift Officer working for Saint Mary's University (SMU). It is one of my responsibilites at SMU to help Brohter Ed raise money to support C2C and the First Generation Initiative. I'm am grinning from ear to ear reading all your posts! I just want to tell you all what a great job you are doing posting and commenting about the program. I'm so excited to share this blog and news broadcast to our current and prospective donors as well as our SMU family at large. Keep up the good work and we look forward to welcoming you to SMU again next summer! We will have open arms to you and your families when you gradute from High School -hopefully SMU is the choice for YOU!

    P.s. I got a chance to meet many of your parents when they were here over the first weekend - they are very proud of you! :)

    Jennifer Teske
